2023 Numerology Predictions 3 years ago

2023 – A Year of perfection, wisdom, discoveries, breakups & Wars- An insight into the global theme & personalized insights for everyone.

Universal Year
This is the way the whole world is going & our personal lives along with it. It is a general trend that is determined by universal laws & is indicated by the numbers we find on the calendar. The character of this trend changes every twelve months and with the coming of each new year, we have a different vibration to respond to.

How to find the Universal Year
Add together the separate numbers or digits of the Calendar year & reduce it to a final digit (except when the sum is 11 or 22). So for the year 2023, Universal vibration is (2+0+2+3 = 7)

Decoding a 7- Universal Year
The vibration says Perfection, so the tendency will be to give a finished quality to everything undertaken. You should critically analyze your existing affairs & be very restrictive towards branching out into new ventures. A very supporting vibration for people with spiritual inclinations & those who are engaged in research of any kind. The dictum of 7 is, that what is meant for you, will be brought to you. Plan to spend a good deal of time alone & get acquainted with your powers, past mistakes & future desires. Don’t brood over the past- simply look it over & put it where it belongs. Analyze everything you have or are doing. Deepen the roots of everything that is worth keeping. It is a good financial vibration if we don’t strain after money for its material uses. Await developments.

In the Past
Outstanding events are not usual in the 7-year. The influence is usually static and its effect interior. Irritation is apt to express itself in disputes within nations rather than between them-keeping evidence of bad temper in the family instead of seeking the open. Many local battles-even massacres of whole villages- have occurred in 7 years; also religious disputes & persecutions in the name of theology & dogma. The tendency is always toward the non-spectacular; any development is apt to be of slow growth and any explosion local. It is a good financial year for those who are willing to work & analyze. Much attention is focused on water (the Element of 7). Improvement in waterways, strengthening of dams & long water journeys occupies the public mind.

Opportunities & Vocation
Strongest of all the numbers from 1 to 9 they get the reward of Six on earth on the one hand & go for the inner search of soul & spiritual knowledge and discover the Divine laws on the other. A mystic number recognized by all religions of the world – seven days in a week, seven colors in the spectrum, seven steps in the Ziggurat (ladder) to heaven, seven planets strongly influencing the events on earth, seven notes in the scale of music, seven Chakras in the human body.
Skilled workers in any field, from ordinary carpenters to high-level scientists, belong to the class of seven. A specialist, is always surrounded by books, the seven are successful as a surgeon, professor, criminologist in the secret service, historian, philosopher, poet & writer inclined toward the philosophy of life and any walk of life where specialization & perfection is the goal. Seven likes and get chances to travel quite often, inland & outland to broaden his/her horizon of knowledge, meeting people of different standards. He may start with a lower position if not properly educated but soon his skill & natual ability will show up and bring him to a better level and position.

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